The Sherratt Family

Married, August 10, 1891, St. James Church, Bath

William Henry Sherratt
Born: 1 Feb 1870
Fenton, Stafford
1911: China Manufacturer
Died: 9 Mar 1952
Photo of Couple
Elizabeth Gale Batt
Born: October 26, 1863
Bath, Somerset
School Mistress
St. Peter's School
Died: 12 Feb 1946

Note: Links in above section go to parents of linked name


George William Sterndale Sherratt
Born: 1893
1911: China Potter Thrower
WWI Vet*
Frank Raymond Sherratt
Born: January 30, 1896
Forsbrook, Dilhorne, Staffordshire

Staffordshire Sentinel newspaper clipping - Blythe Bridge Men at War

Note: Links in above section go to spouse and children of linked name


1901 Census family was living at St. Peter's School, Cheadle, Leek
1911: Living at School House, Forsbrook, Staffordshire

* 1/5th North Staffords, George William Sterndale Sherratt was one of the many pottery employees who joined the battalion. He was a twenty-one year old potters thrower, Sherratt enlisted at Hanley Drill Hall on 13th August 1914 and immediately volunteered for overseas service. He was wounded on 1st July 1916 and was awarded the Military Medal for his actions that day. He was later commissioned and served with the 7th Battalion in Mesopotamia and at Baku with Dunsterforce. His army record is available, the reference being: WO 374/62014. - From Great War Forum

Medal card of Sherratt, George William Sterndale:
North Staffordshire Regiment - 2610 - Private
North Staffordshire Regiment -   - Second Lieutenant
North Staffordshire Regiment -   - Acting Captain
Ref# 42651 / 15216

Staffordshire Past Track (Image Link) - Photo of St. Peter's Church choir, Forsbrook Mr W.H. Sherratt (organist/choirmaster) (Site Link)

The Family