The Sherratt Family

Church/Cemeteries - Audley Chapel Cemetery



In loving memory of ALBERT POINTON who died 11th December 1984 aged 77 years. Also loving wife DORIS POINTON who died 5th April 1986 aged 77 years. Reunited.

Note: While every attempt was made to accurately record the monumental inscriptions please note that many of the headstones were VERY difficult to read and may include errors. An asterisk * indicates an error may have been made.

If you have corrections or would like to submit a photo to this collection please feel free to Contact Us. If you would like a larger, original copy of an individual photograph you are welcome to contact us. Provide exact details of photo.

All photographs are copyright to myself, while you may save/print for your personal records please DO NOT copy the photos or republish to another website.

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