The Sherratt Family

Church/Cemeteries - Audley Chapel Cemetery
Diglake Disaster

DIGLAKE Disaster

On 14 January 1895, a terrible disaster occurred at Diglake colliery, Bignall Hill. Two hundred and sixty men and boys descended the pit that day. At 11.30am a spate of water from the old flooded Rookery pit, augmented from above by the inclement weather, spewed into the lower regions of the Diglake mine, carrying and drowning everything in its path. Seventy-eight men and boys perished, some of the bodies never being recovered. The above monument was erected in their memory at Audley Chapel Cemetery.

For more information and details of the men and boys of Diglake, visit the Diglake Site

Note: While every attempt was made to accurately record the monumental inscriptions please note that many of the headstones were VERY difficult to read and may include errors. An asterisk * indicates an error may have been made.

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