Staffordshire Cemeteries

Staffordshire Cemeteries Leek Cemetery - Leek

Leek Cemetery is located at Condlyffe Rd, Leek, Staffordshire.

The Leek cemetery is very well maintained. During office hours you may request a printout of surnames buried at the cememtery.

Although a grave number is available on the print-outs, location of the graves is not available. Burial records includ Surname, Christian name, age, date of death, place of abode, grave number, date of burial and description/occupation. Records are only available prior to 1949.

Below are some monumental inscriptions/headstone photos at Leek Cemetery.

SURNAMES - forenames mentioned

SHERRATT burials at Leek cemetery from 1859 through 1949 can be found HERE. No photos available.

Some monumental inscriptions for Leek can be found on the Wishful Thinking web site.

If you have corrections or would like to submit a photo to this collection please feel free to Contact Us. If you would like a larger, original copy of an individual photograph you are welcome to contact us. Provide exact details of photo.

All photographs are copyright to myself, while you may save/print for your personal records please DO NOT copy the photos or republish to another website.

Cemetery Index

Staffordshire Cemeteries