Church/Cemeteries - St. James - Audley
In affectionate remembrance of EMILY wife of HENRY TAYLOR of Miles Green who departed this life February 20, 1874 aged 34 years. Her languishing head is at rest, it's thinkings and achings are over. Her heart is no longer the seat of trouble and torturing pain. It ceases to flutter and beat. It never shall flutter again. Also, ALICE daughter of HENRY and EMILY TAYLOR who departed this life October 17th 1864 aged 4 years and 3 months. Her little bark was very soon. Over life's wild ocean driven. The first rough stormy wind that blew. It wafted her to heaven. Also, LILY daughter of HENRY and EMILY TAYLOR who departed this life June 18th 1874 aged 5 years and 4 months. To him my little children come. For he has said they may. His bosom then shall be their home. Their tears he'll wipe away.
Note: While every attempt was made to accurately record the monumental inscriptions please note that many of the headstones were VERY difficult to read and may include errors. An asterisk * indicates an error may have been made.
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