The Sherratt Family

Church/Cemeteries - St. James - Audley



In loving memory of HAROLD dearly loved husband of HARRIET TAYLOR a dear dad, grandad and great-grandad died June 8th 1976 aged 76 years. At rest. Also the above HARRIET who died February 12th 1991 aged 90 years. Reunited.

Note: While every attempt was made to accurately record the monumental inscriptions please note that many of the headstones were VERY difficult to read and may include errors. An asterisk * indicates an error may have been made.

If you have corrections or would like to submit a photo to this collection please feel free to Contact Us. If you would like a larger, original copy of an individual photograph you are welcome to contact us. Provide exact details of photo.

All photographs are copyright to myself, while you may save/print for your personal records please DO NOT copy the photos or republish to another website.

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