Church/Cemeteries - St. James - Audley
Sacred to the memory of JOHN TOMKINSON late of Park End in this parish who departed this life May 15th 1855 aged 64 years. Farewell dear wife my life is past, So long for you my love did last, Now as for me no sorry take, But love my children for my sake. Also MARY relict of the above who died January 13th 1876 aged 77 years. Praise wrote on stones is labour vainly spent, A womans own deeds are her best monument. Also EMMA daughter of the above who died December 31st 1881 aged 42 years. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90 v12 Also HARRIET daughter of the above who died July 7th 1900 aged 62 years.
Note: While every attempt was made to accurately record the monumental inscriptions please note that many of the headstones were VERY difficult to read and may include errors. An asterisk * indicates an error may have been made.
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